Blog: 3 Reasons A Stock Market Crash Is Unlikely

人们期待已久的进入传统价值股的行动正在顺利进行, but that doesn’t mean that technology stocks are dead. In my conversation with CNBC’s Frank Holland, I outline reasons why big tech should not be overlooked, 以及为什么加息可能不会影响像甲骨文这样的市场领导者, Microsoft, Google, and Facebook. Click Here to watch the full video.

Here’s To Your Wealth

The massive, 自选举以来,股市的历史性反弹几乎有增无减,这也恰逢宣布推出疫苗. Those events, 以及美联储对宽松货币政策的无情态度, has fueled a massive rise in stocks. What is more important, however, is what should investors do now?

投资者应该做的第一件事是不让情绪影响决策. I know it’s tough to do, 特别是对于即将退休的人和退休人员来说,他们大部分时间都在工作,为退休储蓄. With stocks at all-time highs, and stock market valuations at lofty levels, the concern is legitimate. 但停下来检查一些相关的数据点也很重要.

For starters, 摩根大通(JPMorgan)经常指出,牛市通常会因以下三个因素之一而结束——目前这三个因素都不存在:

Excessive stock market valuations.

While valuations are high, they are not excessive. 随着今年经济增长率在6%到9%之间,企业收益可能会反弹. And, considering interest rates are still relatively low, stock valuations can be justified, especially against expected future earnings.

Huge spike in commodity prices.

没错,木材和建筑相关的大宗商品价格处于历史高位,但石油这一大宗商品却并非如此. Yes, we shut down the keystone pipeline and drilling on federal lands, but the world is producing a lot of oil. 而且,由于南美和欧洲经济复苏缓慢,它们的需求也在下降. 只要油价保持温和,不断增长的经济就能应对某些大宗商品价格的上涨. To be sure, 大规模的刺激法案和长期的超低利率可能会刺激工业和住宅建筑的需求,这将是值得关注的事情. But keep in mind, as interest rates tick up, 房屋负担能力自然会下降,并产生自然的逆风. For this reason, we don’t see a perpetual rise in material costs.

An Aggressive Federal Reserve Bank.

很难想象美国联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank)会收紧货币政策来控制经济增长. Not when the ‘real’ unemployment rate is close to 10%, 美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔多次表示,他的目标是接近充分就业. 这种温和的基调应该会使利率上升幅度保持在一定范围内(尽管略高)。, and in that environment, stocks will be the only game in town for investors. 如果他改变语气,股市可能至少会面临一些暂时的压力.

此外,尽管经济复苏,美联储仍对紧缩政策毫无兴趣, 国会就像醉酒的水手一样花钱(正如参议员约翰·麦凯恩经常说的那样:“我没有对醉酒水手不敬的意思”)。. 美联储曾敦促国会采取行动,以便财政政策能够补充美联储的扩张性货币政策. Congress has more than granted Mr. Powell his wish, 它们正在形成一个充满活力的组合,为经济带来大量的流动性. The result is interest rates that are still relatively low, easy money, support for state and local governments, 数百万美国人口袋里的现金(更不用说博物馆了), non-profit organizations, and classrooms). What else could we want? How about a massive infrastructure spending bill? No worries, it looks like that will happen too.

读到这篇文章的很多人会问:“这不是在花我们没有的钱吗??” Or, “could that be inflationary?” Or, “所有这些支出是否会削弱我们的货币,导致外国政府停止购买我们的债务,从而提高利率,这将是经济和股市的主要逆风。?” To those questions I say “for now, at least, enjoy the fun.“每个提前离开派对的人都错过了一次伟大的竞选.

可以肯定的是,如果你即将退休或正在考虑退休,让我们重新评估一下你的风险. But please note that if we built your portfolio together, we would have already built it with your life situation in mind. Therefore, 减少股票配置应该非常谨慎(正如最近为这次牛市计时的尝试所证明的那样)。.

当然,投资从来都不是一个确定的命题,估值也很高. 而且,总有可能出现另一次黑天鹅事件或新冠疫情卷土重来. But even after considering these risks and others, 我相信天平向美联储的强大力量倾斜, Congress, 经济迅速复苏,消费者纷纷外出游玩.

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